The Bulletproof Home Security System: Three Things to Know

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Homeowners can diligently research and explore various home security tactics to safeguard their property, from studying literature on the subject to carefully selecting a home security system. One book option on the subject is “BulletProof Home Security System” by Frank Mitchell. This book comprises a series of home defense tactics focusing on hardening residences against surprise invasions.

While common burglaries are problematic in many areas across the United States, there has been a disturbing rise in home invasions in suburban communities. Home invasions differ from burglaries largely because of their increased threat of violence to a home’s inhabitants. The element of surprise allows these criminals to pull off home invasions successfully.

“BulletProof Home Security System” gives homeowners the tools needed to reduce the element of surprise and discreetly secure their houses. Here are three important takeaways from this unique home security system book.

#1 Stop Forced Entry Through Front and Back Doors

According to security experts, the front door is one of the most common entry points for home invaders, estimated to occur in 34% of all break-ins. This is no shock since many homes include decorative, builder-grade doors and low-end locks.

“BulletProof Home Security System” suggests that homeowners upgrade doors to ones made of solid materials that are not easily crushed when rammed. The developer of the BulletProof system recommends the installation of the following time-tested accessories:

  • Steel door barricades

  • Floor-mounted, metal door stops

  • Metal barrel bolts

The idea is to stop an intruder from being able to crash in on the first try. If the burglar persists, residents will have the needed heads-up to get help if they’re at home during the attack. If a professionally monitored home security system is involved, help may be dispatched promptly, potentially preventing further harm.

There are a variety of high-end smart door locks and deadbolts on the market which fit this need. Products carried by Brinks Home™ include the Yale 910 smart door lock, which has an ANSI grade 2—a level of resistance that can stand up to a significant level of attack. With a connected home security system, this device will also register attempts to force entry, sounding an alarm.

#2 Secure Windows Against Breaking and Entering

A window is the second most popular entry point for burglars. A window’s glass offers one of the easiest ways to get inside a home, accounting for 23% of break-ins. The criminal must only break the glass without harming themselves and reach through the window to unlock it. Sliding patio entrances and French doors with glass have the same appeal to home invaders.

The installation of security windows will stop intruders in their tracks. These windows use tempered glass that is harder to break than traditional glass windows and doors. Covering window glass with 3M’s multilayer security film also helps to prevent intrusion. The ballistic film by 3M holds shattered glass together in one piece. Burglars can’t easily enter a window even after they’ve broken glass that has been covered with this protective film.

Having window sensors and glassbreak sensors can provide an added layer of protection in cases where a window is broken or opened during a trespass. In addition to reinforcing your property to try and stop or slow a break-in, including these sensors with your home security plan offers awareness and visibility to the homeowner and further deterrent to the offender.

#3 Lock Down Hidden Entrances

Seasoned burglars break into homes through non-conventional entrances. Homes usually have attics that are minimally secured with a metal vent and some standard screws. Most burglaries happen during the day when people are at work and there is little activity in the neighborhood. Almost nothing can prevent a determined thief from putting a ladder against an exterior wall and unscrewing the attic vent door to gain access to a home.

By the time a neighbor figures out that the thief isn’t a local handyman, the burglar could empty the house of its valuables and cause thousands of dollars in damage. The “BulletProof Home Security System” advises property owners to secure their attic vent doors with metal grates that are bolted in place and not easily removed with common hardware store tools.

Securing these rarely used areas of the home can also be effective in the prevention of “phrogging”, which has gained awareness in more recent years due to its representation in media.

Benefits and Drawbacks of the “BulletProof Home Security System” Methodology

The “BulletProof Home Security System” by Frank Mitchell is a common-sense approach to home defense that nearly all homeowners can implement to some degree. However, this system works best for homes that are occupied during a home invasion. A persistent burglar, who has studied the schedules of a homeowner and their neighbors, can get through these security measures with the right tools and enough time.

Utilizing the tactics from “BulletProof Home Security System”, consider getting a professionally monitored home security system. With Brinks Home, you can customize a system that meets your unique needs. Contact us today to speak with a professional Security Consultant.

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