Do Dogs Deter Home Invasions?
4 things to consider
APRIL 27, 2021

When that Amazon package drops on your porch, a solicitor walks up to your door, or a friend comes to visit, your pets may alert you to the presence of an outsider even before your doorbell rings.
Dogs are man’s best friend, sure, but their sharp barks also may notify any wanted and unwanted visitors of an animal’s presence. Do dogs deter home invasions, though? Here’s what you need to know:
Will your dog protect your home?
The FBI defines burglary as the unlawful entry of a structure to commit a felony or theft. When determining their next target, burglars tend to look for easy access. If the exterior of your home comes equipped with a doorbell camera, floodlights, and a sign notifying a burglar of a home security system, they’re more likely to skip your home in favor of an easier target.
Whether a trained guard dog or your beloved family pet, the presence of a dog in your home acts as one more deterrent for would-be burglars. Specific statistics are scarce, but many reports, like this study out of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, show a correlation between reduced property crime and homes with dogs. What's more, an Oregon TV station sent a crime prevention survey to 86 inmates serving time for burglary. The results showed that big, loud dogs scared most of these burglars away, but smaller dogs didn’t necessarily bother them.
Types of dogs for deterring burglars
Maybe you’ve already welcomed a dog into your household. Whether your family pet is a 14-year-old, always-alert miniature schnauzer or a lovable 2-year-old Golden retriever, the simple presence of any dog of any breed can thwart would-be criminals from trying to gain access to your home or property.
Dogs are loyal companions and bring much joy to their owners. Some breeds even have more natural instincts to protect their home, property, and family.
If you’re looking to add another pet or if you’re an animal novice and want a true guard dog, the American Kennel Association offers many guard dog recommendations that can scare burglars away, including the Akita, Giant Schnauzer, Boxer, German shepherd, and Tibetan mastiff. Just keep in mind that any dog you own will need proper socialization and training.
Will a dog-barking alarm scare off burglars?
You may live in an apartment that prohibits animals or specific breeds. Maybe someone in your family has allergies. Or perhaps you just don’t have the time to care for a pet. There are motion sensors on the market that set off a barking dog alarm when a sensor detects movement. This may be a good option for your situation.
Overall protection
While a dog can be an excellent deterrent, you’ll still want to have a comprehensive home security plan to ensure you’ve adequately covered your home and property. A good alarm system, front and back door cameras, locked windows and doors all go a long way toward deterring unwanted visitors from breaking and entering.
Contact us at Brinks Home™ to get started with a home security system with motion-detecting capabilities.
Allison Clark is a senior writer for Brinks Home. She enjoys educating others on the benefits of smart home security and using technology to simplify everyday life.