Feel Confident in your Camera with These Statistics

Know how a security camera can have your back


JUNE 1, 2021

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Modern security cameras are physically tiny, but they sure can pack a punch when it comes to protecting you and your loved ones from thieves and burglars. Read on to learn more about the statistically-proven benefits of security cameras and professional monitoring.

  1. In 2019, Detroit's Project Greenlight set up a system to allow businesses to connect their cameras to local police precincts. Because of this, violent crimes at these businesses reduced by 23%.

  1. A study in a large city in Uruguay shows the presence of security cameras reduced crime in an urban area by up to 20%. This affirms a 2013 study that suggests there is an overall reduction in crime rates, and a general drop in public disorder within a 350-foot radius. The authors conclude that the visible presence of cameras acts as a significant crime deterrent.

  2. Additionally, Humbolt Park in Chicago determined crimes dropped by 20% with security cameras as opposed to areas without surveillance and monitoring.

  3. Security.org found that half of burglars wouldn’t touch a home with a camera, and the United Kingdom found that crimes decreased in public spaces and public transportation by as much as 51%.

Brinks Home™ has security consultants ready to help you with your security cameras and monitoring questions. Call today for help assembling a customized system that meets your home’s needs.

Linley Stringer is a copywriter with Brinks Home. She is passionate about telling stories that keep consumers informed and protected.

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