What is a Curtain Motion Detector?
Answering FAQs
December 17, 2020

Nowadays, automated home security is almost everywhere. However, if someone says, “curtain motion detectors,” often they are met with a blank stare. If you are looking to automate your life for comfort and ease, curtain motion detectors are a step in the right direction.
How do curtain motion detectors keep you safe?
Motion detectors are different. Many people do not realize the layers of safety that automation can provide. Traditional motion detectors have limits as to what they detect through sensors. Curtain motion detectors monitor door traffic as well the areas you choose.
Some curtain motion detectors qualify as passive infrared, or PIR. The plane of the sensor covers an entire room if that what you set up as “safe” for you. The dimensions of coverage range from windows to skylights when you set them to your comfort level. The PIR uses infrared technology, upping the automation game and the dedication to keep you and your family safe from intruders.
The ability to mount the curtain motion detectors anywhere makes them a flexible option for home security. The plane of protection also assists in lowering the number of false alarms that you may get with other motion detectors.
General FAQS to follow
Are your sensors flashing red when you install it? If so, do not panic. Often, sensors are made to blink red upon installation as it powers up. The brief period of red lights gives you a chance to motion test the device before you mount it.
How do they work? Passive infrared, or PIR, technology, and microwave doppler radar detection are the two primary technologies used for motion detection. The PIR is the most common and uses sensors that rely on infrared technology. When the sensors detect a significant change of motion, the alarm is triggered to alert you of a possible intruder.
Can I change the sensitivity of my motion detector? Yes, you can change the sensitivity level of your curtain motion detector. Again, it is up to your personal preferences inside your home.
Do you have pets? Often, false alarms are triggered by a cat or dog setting it off because of the sensitive setting. To prevent this, try moving where the detector is mounted, or make the space inaccessible to your pets. Again, you need to assess your sensitivity levels and perhaps adjust them accordingly if you have a cat who likes to climb curtains or a dog who jumps around when cars drive by your home.
A motion detector may activate falsely due to the installation of the device above a heater or furnace. Movement of objects such as balloons, blinds, and curtains within the range of a motion detector may also trigger the alarm.
Specific questions to consider
How many degrees of sensor protection do you need to feel safe?
How much will other’s free movement be in the detector’s view?
Is the curtain motion detector for indoors, outdoors, or both?
Does it need to be waterproof?
How often do you want to change the sensitivity level?
Brinks Home™ is available to answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding your curtain motion detector. We also have trained technicians that will walk you through the setup, mounting, and testing that tricky sensitivity in your environment.
Lauren Slade is a Dallas-based writer and editor.