What to Do When Your Security Alarm Panel Is Beeping
Steps you should take to correct the issue.
September 10, 2020

If something makes a sound that it should not, it is a clear indication that something is wrong. It is a warning sign that something needs to be fix or else it will break even further. So why does the panel keep beeping? Brinks Home™ has taken the time to break down each step on what to do and how to fix it.
The first thing to do is to make sure there are no immediate threats in the house. If there is no smoke, carbon monoxide leak, or someone breaking in, then there is something wrong with the security panel. The next thing to do is to disable the alarm to fix the problem. Working on live electronics should always be done carefully. You should also call your alarm company’s non-emergency number to let them know you are having issues with your panel and will be attempting to disconnect it. Otherwise, you may find yourself called about a false alarm as many panels have sensors that detect unauthorized attempts to open them.
Make sure that the panel is turned off and disconnected. Once everything is turned off, start checking for the following problems.
Common Causes of Beeping
Batteries are dying
Loss of AC Power
It’s time to replace the security panel
Batteries are Dying
This is a common mistake in most electronic things is that batteries are dying. Electronic devices will give the signal that they need new batteries in them. If the batteries are left to die, people could find themselves in trouble and potentially dead in a dire situation. Check the batteries and change them as soon as possible. Batteries can be purchased from the nearest store. But how can one tell if the problem is the batteries and not something else? Try going through your home, and test all batteries associated with your security system using a battery tester.
Loss of AC Power
If it is not the batteries, the AC power might be dying. What does that mean? A lack of AC power means that the panel is not getting enough power from the low voltage transformer. How does one find the source and fix this issue? Try to locate a small cube that plugs into an outlet. That can usually be found near the main panel.
Transformer is unplugged (Plug it in)
Transformer has a blown internal fuse (Replace transformer)
Outlet has no power (Check for a tripped circuit breaker)
When It’s Time to Replace the Security Panel
When the batteries and the AC power are not the problem, it is time to replace the whole security panel. Those can be found on online or locally. Those who do not know how to install the security panel, the smartest thing to do is to get a professional to do the work. What about silencing the alarm? That could work, but that is not a permanent solution. Remember that silencing the keypad will not disable beeping forever. After a while, the noise will come back. So long as the initial cause of trouble remains, the alarm keeps beeping until it’s fixed.
In the long run, it’s smarter to look for problems and fix them right away than to leave the alarm silent and ended up in deeper trouble later on down the road.
Lauren Slade is a Dallas-based writer and editor.