Clearing a Bypassed DW10E-345 Door/Window Sensor

If a sensor is bypassed, the system will not arm that specific sensor. Arm your system, then disarm it. Then tap the System button, then status. If the sensor still shows as bypassed, try these steps.

How to Manually Clear a Bypassed Sensor

  1. To manually clear a bypass, first tap the security button.
  2. Next, tap menu.
  3. Tap the toolbox button.
  4. Type in your master code.
  5. Tap bypassed sensors.
  6. Tap the “show bypassed only” option in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.
  7. Tap each sensor that appears in order to clear the bypass.
  8. Click the home button under the screen.
  9. Finally, tap “system” then tap “Status”.

If the issue persists, and the sensor repeatedly bypasses itself when you arm the system, please contact Brinks Home™ Support at 469.391.4024 for assistance.